Education — Start Researching Genealogy


Whether your goal is to practice genealogy for a hobby or a living, these educational programs below will give you the skills you need - though you should know many people today work as professional genealogists without having completed any of these courses.

Educational Programs in Genealogy: University or College
University or College Type of Program Length
Boston University (BU) Genealogical Principles 7 weeks
Certificate in Genealogical Research (online, non-credit) 15 weeks
Brigham Young University (BYU) Bachelor Degree (B.A.) in Family History / Genealogy 4 years
BYU Idaho Applied Associates Degree (A.A.S.) in Family History Research (online) 2 years
Family History Research (Certificate) Varies
Advanced Family History Research (Certificate) Varies
Excelsior College Introduction to Genetic Genealogy (online) 8 weeks
Advanced Genealogical Research (online) 15 weeks
University of Strathcylde Centre for Lifelong Learning (Glasgow) Various courses
Genealogy: Researching Your Family Tree (free, online with FutureLearn)
University of Limerick (Ireland) Masters in History of Family (online)
Salt Lake City Community College Certificate in Genealogy Research and Writing (online)
Educational Programs in Genealogy: Institutes and Additional Programs
Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) Summer program in Washington, D.C. held at NARA
Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP)  Multiple summer sessions
Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) Hosted by Georgia Genealogical Society
Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies (IHGS) Various programs, workshops, and online courses
International Society for British Genealogy and Family Research (ISBGFH) Presentations and courses with virtual British Institute
Mid-west African American Genealogical Institute (MAAGI) Co-hosted by The Allen County Public Library
Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) Sponsored by the Utah Genealogical Association.
Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR) Biennial event by Texas State Genealogical Society
National Institute for Genealogical Studies (NIGS) Various courses offered (online)
Certificate in Genealogical Studies programs
Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research (VIGR) Various courses (online)

*Note all above courses subject to change and cancellation. Many are now offered virtually during COVID. If you know of any additional educational courses or workshops, please let us know.

Note that degrees and education in other fields, from history to library sciences, can be very helpful in genealogy research, and will advance your career if you hope to become a professional.

If you are just starting out, the free online course Genealogy: Researching Your Family Tree from the University of Strathclyde Glasgow and can be very informative.

We also recommend courses from the National Genealogical Society as well as the National Institute for Genealogical Studies (NIGS) for all levels of study, which you can take online at your own pace.

Scholarship awards may be available from a variety of sources to help you finance your education.

All genealogists should stay up to date with current practices and research methods. Stay aware of new sources that are discovered, transcribed, and published. Learn from those who have been researching and teaching for years. Here are some ways to stay at the top of your game:

  • Attend workshops, conferences, and seminars

  • Host or lecture at workshops, conferences, and seminars

  • Volunteer to help transcribe, organize, or assist in research

  • Subscribe to newsletters, journals, magazines, and email lists

  • Read books, blogs, and other media

  • Apply to lineage membership groups

  • Join local genealogy societies

  • Join historical societies or historical museums

  • Consider earning credentials

If you know of any other courses specific to genealogy, especially within the United States or available online, please let us know so we can share with everyone.

See also: Becoming a Professional