US Timeline — Start Researching Genealogy

U.S. History Timeline

Understanding historical context is an important part of genealogical research. Learning what events our ancestors lived through and the struggles they may have faced helps give us insight into their lives and the strength of their spirit - all the important, colorful details of their story that are so much more valuable than the facts about the date they were born or died. Not only can we relate to our ancestors more personally, but the past becomes more real to us as we learn about our relatives that experienced it.

Think about when and where your ancestors lived, and what events they lived through. How might they or their family have been affected? Did they take part or witness these historical events? Could these events have influenced some of their decisions, such as moving their family west to claim land?

You can also use this timeline to help you figure out what records or sources might be available for your ancestors, or what kinds of things you should be researching.

I also suggest looking into more localized historical events, through newspaper records of the time or town history collections. You may be able to find stories directly about your ancestors, or about smaller events only those communities faced. You will also be able to see how those in the smaller communities and towns reacted to historical events both big and small.

The below timeline is by no means comprehensive and is meant only as a rough illustration to guide you for further independent study.

Our Brief Timeline of United States History

Water for Camp painting by Charles M. Russell, photo from, public domain.

Water for Camp painting by Charles M. Russell, photo from, public domain.

16th Century (Pre-Colonial, Before 1600)

1400’s - Historic Native American tribes (Apache, Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux and others) inhabit the land

1492 - Columbus comes to America

1513 - Ponce de Leon lands in Florida

1565 - St. Augustine in Florida the first permanent settlement in the land

1587 - Virginia Dare first English child in the New World is born in Roanoke

17th Century (Colonial America Founded)

1607 - Colony of Jamestown founded

1617 - 1619 - Smallpox wipes out large Native American populations

1619 - Slave trade begins

The Mayflower Compact, 1620 painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, from, public domain

The Mayflower Compact, 1620 painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, from, public domain

1620 - Pilgrims arrive in the Mayflower

1628 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony founded

1636 - Harvard College founded as first university in US

1644 - English takeover New Amsterdam from the Dutch, rename it New York

1656 - Quakers arrive in New England

1675 - 1676 - King Philip’s War

1692 - Salem Witch Trials

18th Century (French & Indian Wars, Revolutionary War)

1752 - Ben Franklin flies a kite in a thunderstorm

1754 - 1763  French and Indian Wars between Great Britain and France, each siding with various Native American tribes

1763 - Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian wars

1765 - The Stamp Act of 1765 helps start the Revolution

The Bloody Massacre, copper engraving by Paul Revere, from, public domain.

The Bloody Massacre, copper engraving by Paul Revere, from, public domain.

1770 - The Boston Massacre

1773 - The Boston Tea Party

1776 - Declaration of Independence signed

1789 - US Constitution goes into effect, George Washington elected first president

1790 - First U.S. Federal Census, would continue every decade; Rhode Island becomes the 13th state

1791 - The Bill of Rights was ratified

1793 - Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, demand for slavery increases

1794 - Whiskey Rebellion

1796 - Tennessee becomes the 16th state

1798 - Congress passes the Alien and Sedition Acts

Breaking up Camp at Sunrise painting by Alfred Jacob Miller, from, public domain.

Breaking up Camp at Sunrise painting by Alfred Jacob Miller, from, public domain.

19th Century (Westward Expansion, War of 1812, Trail of Tears)

1801 - Thomas Jefferson elected the third president of the U.S.

1803 - Territory of Louisiana purchased from France

1804 - Aaron Burr shoots Alexander Hamilton in duel

1804 - Lewis & Clark begin their journey

1812 -1814 - War of 1812

1815 - Battle of New Orleans

1816 - First Continental map of the United States

1819 - Spain ceded Florida to US

1820 - Maine created as a state

1815 - 1860 westward expansion, Oregon Trail in use

(slavery prominent in US)

1836 - The Battle of the Alamo in Texas

1838 - Cherokee Trail of Tears march

1846 - 1848 - Mexican War

1847 - Potato Famine in Ireland spurs Irish immigration to US

1848 - Wisconsin becomes a state

1849 - Gold rush

19th Century, continued… (Civil War & Reconstruction, Immigration, Inventions)

1851 - New York Times newspaper begins (as New-York Daily Times)

1855 - New York state opens Castle Garden immigration center

1859 - Modern oil industry begins in Pennsylvania

1860 - Abraham Lincoln elected the 16th president

1861 - The Battle of Bull Run, first battle of the Civil War

1861 - Southern States secede

1862 - Homestead Act for government land

First at Vicksburg, unknown artist. From, public domain.

First at Vicksburg, unknown artist. From, public domain.

(1861 - 1865 - Civil War)

1863 - Battle of Gettysburg

1863 - Emancipation proclamation;

1865 - Thirteenth amendment abolishes slavery

1865-1877 - Reconstruction

1869 - Transcontinental railroad completed

Brooklyn Bridge from the collection of the Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands from, public domain.

Brooklyn Bridge from the collection of the Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands from, public domain.

1870 - Construction starts on the Brooklyn Bridge, January 1870 (would open in 1883)

1871 - The Great Chicago Fire begins

1876 -Alexander graham bell invents the telephone. View his laboratory notebook

1876 - Battle of the Little Bighorn

1880 - Thomas Edison files a patent for his lamp

1881 - Clara Barton invents the American Red Cross

1882 - Edison starts supplying electricity to the public; Chinese Exclusion Act stopped Chinese immigration

1886 - Haymarket Riot, Statue of Liberty erected and dedicated

1886 - Coca Cola invented, Sears Company born

1891 - Basketball invented

1892 - Ellis Island opens (the first federal immigration center)

1896 - Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case allows for racial segregation

1898 - Spanish-American War; we acquire Puerto Rico and Guam;

San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906, by Arnold Genthe, from, public domain

San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906, by Arnold Genthe, from, public domain

20th Century (Disasters, Women’s Rights, World Wars)

1900 - Galveston hurricane kills thousands

1903 - Wright brothers flight, Ford Motor Company starts, first World Series of baseball

1906 - San Francisco Earthquake

1907 - William Taft elected the 27th president, coal mine explosion in West Virginia, record number of 1.3 million immigrants in one year

1910 - Boys Scouts of America invented

1912 - The Titanic sinks, Girl Scouts started

Suffrage Parade, by National Photo Company. From, public domain.

Suffrage Parade, by National Photo Company. From, public domain.

1913 - Women’s Suffrage parade in D.C.

1914 - Panama canal finished

1917 - Prohibition instituted with the 18th amendment; US enters World War I

1918 / 1919 - Spanish Flu hits the US

1920 - Women get right to vote with 19th amendment, NFL starts

1924 - Indigenous Native Americans given right to citizenship

1926 - NBC founded as first major TV broadcast network

1927 - Charles Lindbergh travels across the Atlantic

1928 - Mickey Mouse created, Steamboat Willie premieres

1929 - Stock market crash, Great Depression begins

1934 - Dust Bowl in the midwest

1935 - FDR establishes Works Projects Administration (WPA), social security created

Amelia Earhart, photographer unknown, from flickr user NASA on The Commons, public domain

Amelia Earhart, photographer unknown, from flickr user NASA on The Commons, public domain

1937 - Amelia Earhart vanishes; Hindenburg zeppelin blows up

1939 - Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs first full-length animated movie

1941 - Pearl Harbor bombed, US enters World War II

1943 - Chinese immigrants finally allowed to become U.S. citizens

Into the Jaws of Death by Chief Photographer’s Mate Robert F. Sargent, National Archives and Records Administration, from, public domain

Into the Jaws of Death by Chief Photographer’s Mate Robert F. Sargent, National Archives and Records Administration, from, public domain

1944 - Invasion of Normandy “D-Day”

1945 - US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1947 - Start of Cold War with Soviet Union

20th Century, continued… (Civil Rights, Cold War)

1950 - 1953 - Korean War

1952 - Microwave oven invented

1954 - Elvis Presley begins his career

1954 - Senator Joseph McCarthy’s communist hearings

1954 - Racial segregation in schools declared unconstitutional with Brown v. Board of Education

1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up bus seat

1958 - Lego blocks created, NASA created

1959 - Alaska becomes the 49th state, and Hawaii becomes the 50th

1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis; Walmart created

Martin Luther King Jr., photograph from flickr user National Park Service, CC by 2.0 some rights reserved.

Martin Luther King Jr., photograph from flickr user National Park Service, CC by 2.0 some rights reserved.

1963 - Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech

1963 - JFK assassinated

1964 - The Beatles US Tour

1965 - First US troops arrive in Vietnam; The Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) ends racist immigrant quota systems

1967 - The first Super Bowl

1968 - Martin Luther King assassinated

“Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the moon” by NASA. From, public domain.

“Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the moon” by NASA. From, public domain.

1969 - First moon landing, Neil Armstrong walks on the moon

1969 - Woodstock concert

1973 - Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizes first trimester abortion

1974 - President Nixon resigns after Watergate

1977 - First Star Wars movie

1978 - Apple Computer created

1980 - Mt St. Helens erupted

1981 - HIV / Aids hits US

1983 - Mario Bros created

1986 - Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

1989 - Exxon Valdez largest oil spill in US history

1991 - Persian Gulf War, US leads “Desert Storm”; Cold War officially ends, World Wide Web debuts

1992 - Los Angeles riots, Hurricane Andrew, Bill Clinton elected the 42nd president

1995 - Oklahoma bombing; O.J. Simpson aquitted of murder

1996 - Google created

1999 - Columbine school shooting

The World Trade Center on 9-11, Library of Congress. From, public domain

The World Trade Center on 9-11, Library of Congress. From, public domain

21st Century (Terrorism, School Shootings, Social Media)

2001 - September 11 terrorist attacks

2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia explosion

2003 - Iraq War

2005 - Hurricane Katrina hits the southeast US

2005 - YouTube created

2007 - Virginia Tech school shooting

2007 - Facebook created

2008 - financial bail-outs and recession

“Barack Obama sworn in as 44th President of United States…” Wikimedia, public domain.

“Barack Obama sworn in as 44th President of United States…” Wikimedia, public domain.

2008 - Barack Obama becomes first Black president

2009 - H1N1 virus; Michael Jackson dies

2010 - Instagram created,

2011 - Occupy Wall Street Movement

2012 - Colorado movie theatre shooting; Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting; Hurricane Sandy

2013 - Boston Marathon bombing; Edward Snowden leaks classified documents from the NSA; Black Lives Matter political movement

2015 - Same-sex marriage legalized

2016 - Trump elected; Pulse nightclub shooting; Chicago Cubs win World Series; Simone Biles wins big at the Olympics

Women’s March in Seattle, From, public domain.

Women’s March in Seattle, From, public domain.

2017 - Las Vegas mass shooting; the #MeToo movement begins; Hurricane Maria hits Puerto Rico

2018 - Parkland school shooting

2019 - US women’s soccer wins the World Cup; mass shooting in a Texas Walmart; Jeffrey Epstein found dead; Trump impeached

2020 - Coronavirus stops society and kills over 174k Americans; #BlackLivesMatter movement and protests of police brutality; Anti-racism movement

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