Given Name: Males | Possible Nicknames, Alternate Spellings, or Abbreviations |
Abraham | Abe, Abram, Abrm |
Archibald | Archie, Arch, Archer |
Alexander | Al, Alec, Alastair, Alex, Alisdair, Alistair, Eleck, Sandy, Zan |
Alpheas or Alphias | Alf, Alfie, Alph, Alpheaus, Alphus, Alphas |
Andrew | Andy, Drew |
Anthony | Tony, Toni, Anty |
Augustus | Augie |
Bartholomew | Bart |
Benjamin | Ben, Bennie, Benji, Jamie, Benjamie, Benjn |
Charles | Charlie, Charley, Chuck, Carl, Chas |
Christopher | Chris, Kit, Chrissy |
Cuthbert | Cuth, Cuddy, Cuddie, Bert |
Cyrus | Cy, Si |
Daniel | Dan'l, Dan, Danny, Dannie, Danl |
Derrick | Dirch |
Edward or Edmund | Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Ned, Ted, Teddy, Edwd, Edmd |
Eugene | Gene |
Francis | Frank, Franklin, Fanny, Fras, Fredk |
Frederick or Alfred | Al, Fred (also short for Winifred), Freddie, Freddy, Fritz, Rick |
George | Georgie, Geo |
Henry | Hank, Harry, Hen, Hy |
Jacob | Jake, Jack |
James or Jameson | Jamie, Jem, Jim, Jimmy, Jas |
Joseph | Joe, Josiah, Josephat, Jos, Joey |
Jonathan | Jonothon, John, Jon, Johnny, Johny, Jack, Jonn, Jno |
John | Johnny, Jack, Jacky |
Lawrence | Laurence, Larry, Lonny, Lon |
Leonard | Leo |
Matthew or Matthias | Matt, Matty, Mat, Thys, Thias |
Michael | Mike, Mickie, Micky, Mickey, Mikey, Micah, Michl, Mich'l |
Nathaniel | Nathan, Fanny, Nate, Nat, Nath'l |
Obediah | Ob, Obed, Dyer |
Oliver | Ollie |
Patrick | Pat, Pattie, Patty, Pat, Paddy |
Phineas | Phinneas, Finny, Finney, Fin |
Reese | Rhys, Reece |
Richard | Rick, Ricky, Rich, Dick, Dickie, Dickson, Rd, Ricd, Ric'd |
Robert or Bob | Rob, Robbie, Robin, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Bobbie, Dob, Dobbin |
Ronald | Ron, Ronnie, Ronny |
Samuel | Sam, Sammy, Saml, Sam'l |
Stephen | Steve, Stevie |
Stuart | Stu |
Theodore | Theo, Teddy, Ted |
Thomas | Tom, Tommy, Tommie, Thom, Tam, Thos |
Timothy | Tim, Timmy |
Walter | Walt, Wally |
William | Will, Willie, Willy, Bill, Billy, Wm, Willm |
Zachariah or Zachary | Zack, Zach, Zak, Zeke, Rye, Riah, Rias, Zachh, Zachs |
Given Name: Females | Possible Nicknames, Alternate Spellings, or Abbreviations |
Abigail | Abby, Abbie |
Adeline or Adelaide | Addie, Addy, Adel, Adelle |
Alice or Alison | Allie, Ally |
Amanda | Mandy |
Antoinette | Annie, Toni, Tony |
Barbara | Bobbie, Barbie, Barb, Bab, Babs, Babbie |
Caroline | Carrie, Carol |
Candice | Dicey, Dicy, Candy, Candie |
Catherine | Katherine, Cathie, Cat, Kathy, Kat |
Charlotte | Char, Lollie, Lottie |
Christina | Chris, Chrissy, Tina |
Constance | Connie, Con |
Deborah | Debbie, Deb, Debby |
Dorothy | Dottie, Dot, Dolly, Doll |
Elizabeth | Betty, Betsey, Betsy, Bessie, Bess, Lizzie, Elsie |
Ellen | Ell, Nellie, Nan |
Emelia | Emma, Emmy, Emmie, Millie |
Frances | Fran, Frannie, Fannie, Fanny, Frankie |
Florence | Flora, Flo, Florrie, Flossie, Floy |
Helen | Hellen, Nell, Nellie |
Isabel | Izzie, Issy, Issie, Is, Iz |
Johana | Johahna, Joe, Jo, Nana |
Josephine | Josephina, Josie, Fina, Joey, Joie |
Rebecca | Becca, Becky |
Roberta | Berta, Bobbie |
Rosemary | Rose, Rosie, Rosa |
Lucinda | Cindy, Lucy |
Margaret | Margie, Maggie, Madge, Marge, Mitzi, Mog, Moggy, Peggy |
Mary | Mimi, Minnie |
Melissa | Missy, Mel |
Penelope | Penny, Pen |
Philomena | Phil, Fil |
Phillis | Phylis, Fil, Filla |
Veronica | Ronnie, Ron |
Virginia | Ginny, Ginnie, Gin, Gen, Jenny |
Do you have more to add to the list? We’d love to hear your submissions!