Nickname Lists — Start Researching Genealogy

Nickname Lists

Given Name: Males Possible Nicknames, Alternate Spellings, or Abbreviations
Abraham Abe, Abram, Abrm
Archibald Archie, Arch, Archer
Alexander Al, Alec, Alastair, Alex, Alisdair, Alistair, Eleck, Sandy, Zan
Alpheas or Alphias Alf, Alfie, Alph, Alpheaus, Alphus, Alphas
Andrew Andy, Drew
Anthony Tony, Toni, Anty
Augustus Augie
Bartholomew Bart
Benjamin Ben, Bennie, Benji, Jamie, Benjamie, Benjn
Charles Charlie, Charley, Chuck, Carl, Chas
Christopher Chris, Kit, Chrissy
Cuthbert Cuth, Cuddy, Cuddie, Bert
Cyrus Cy, Si
Daniel Dan'l, Dan, Danny, Dannie, Danl
Derrick Dirch
Edward or Edmund Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Ned, Ted, Teddy, Edwd, Edmd
Eugene Gene
Francis Frank, Franklin, Fanny, Fras, Fredk
Frederick or Alfred Al, Fred (also short for Winifred), Freddie, Freddy, Fritz, Rick
George Georgie, Geo
Henry Hank, Harry, Hen, Hy
Jacob Jake, Jack
James or Jameson Jamie, Jem, Jim, Jimmy, Jas
Joseph Joe, Josiah, Josephat, Jos, Joey
Jonathan Jonothon, John, Jon, Johnny, Johny, Jack, Jonn, Jno
John Johnny, Jack, Jacky
Lawrence Laurence, Larry, Lonny, Lon
Leonard Leo
Matthew or Matthias Matt, Matty, Mat, Thys, Thias
Michael Mike, Mickie, Micky, Mickey, Mikey, Micah, Michl, Mich'l
Nathaniel Nathan, Fanny, Nate, Nat, Nath'l
Obediah Ob, Obed, Dyer
Oliver Ollie
Patrick Pat, Pattie, Patty, Pat, Paddy
Phineas Phinneas, Finny, Finney, Fin
Reese Rhys, Reece
Richard Rick, Ricky, Rich, Dick, Dickie, Dickson, Rd, Ricd, Ric'd
Robert or Bob Rob, Robbie, Robin, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Bobbie, Dob, Dobbin
Ronald Ron, Ronnie, Ronny
Samuel Sam, Sammy, Saml, Sam'l
Stephen Steve, Stevie
Stuart Stu
Theodore Theo, Teddy, Ted
Thomas Tom, Tommy, Tommie, Thom, Tam, Thos
Timothy Tim, Timmy
Walter Walt, Wally
William Will, Willie, Willy, Bill, Billy, Wm, Willm
Zachariah or Zachary Zack, Zach, Zak, Zeke, Rye, Riah, Rias, Zachh, Zachs
Given Name: Females Possible Nicknames, Alternate Spellings, or Abbreviations
Abigail Abby, Abbie
Adeline or Adelaide Addie, Addy, Adel, Adelle
Alice or Alison Allie, Ally
Amanda Mandy
Antoinette Annie, Toni, Tony
Barbara Bobbie, Barbie, Barb, Bab, Babs, Babbie
Caroline Carrie, Carol
Candice Dicey, Dicy, Candy, Candie
Catherine Katherine, Cathie, Cat, Kathy, Kat
Charlotte Char, Lollie, Lottie
Christina Chris, Chrissy, Tina
Constance Connie, Con
Deborah Debbie, Deb, Debby
Dorothy Dottie, Dot, Dolly, Doll
Elizabeth Betty, Betsey, Betsy, Bessie, Bess, Lizzie, Elsie
Ellen Ell, Nellie, Nan
Emelia Emma, Emmy, Emmie, Millie
Frances Fran, Frannie, Fannie, Fanny, Frankie
Florence Flora, Flo, Florrie, Flossie, Floy
Helen Hellen, Nell, Nellie
Isabel Izzie, Issy, Issie, Is, Iz
Johana Johahna, Joe, Jo, Nana
Josephine Josephina, Josie, Fina, Joey, Joie
Rebecca Becca, Becky
Roberta Berta, Bobbie
Rosemary Rose, Rosie, Rosa
Lucinda Cindy, Lucy
Margaret Margie, Maggie, Madge, Marge, Mitzi, Mog, Moggy, Peggy
Mary Mimi, Minnie
Melissa Missy, Mel
Penelope Penny, Pen
Philomena Phil, Fil
Phillis Phylis, Fil, Filla
Veronica Ronnie, Ron
Virginia Ginny, Ginnie, Gin, Gen, Jenny

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