Abbreviations — Start Researching Genealogy


Below are some common (and some not so common) abbreviations or acronyms you might come across during your genealogy research. Some of the terms below are used as quick-hand for genealogists and you’ll likely see in other people’s research notes or in family histories, while other terms may appear on sources like census records or naturalization papers.

Abbreviation Possible Meanings
ab. or abt. about
Æ or ae age
B Black (race)
b or bn. born, birth date
bap. or bp. baptized
b. or bur. or bu. burial date, buried
bef. before
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
bet. between
bro. or br. brother
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BLW Bounty Land Warrant
BMD "birth, marriage, death"
C. or ca. estimated date, or "circa", ca.1862
cem. cemetery
chr. christened
ch. or chh. church
civ. civil
cm or cms centimorgans (dna term)
co. county or company
conf. confirmed
d. died
dau. daughter
dec'd deceased
div. divorced
do ditto, same as above
d/o or s/o daughter of, son of
dsp. died without issue or children
d.y. died young
est. estimated or established or estate
et. ux. also "et uxor" or "and wife" in legal docs
et. al. indicates presence of other names not listed
fam. family
gdn. guardian
gr. great or grand
hon. Honorable
husb. husband
ibid. ibidem, meaning "in the same place"
id or Id same
inf. infant or infantry
inst. instant, referring to the date as the same month mentioned earlier
int. intention, as intention of marriage
JP Justice of the Peace
liv. living
LPC likely public charge
Lo. Lord (common before 1800)
m. or mar. or md. married date, can show as m1, m2 for first marriage, second marriage, etc.
mil. military
mo. month
na. or nat. or natz. naturalized
n.d. or n.d.k. no date known or available
nee or née identifies a women's maiden name
N.S. New Style, Gregorian calendar
n.p. no place
ob. for latin term "obit" meaning deceased
o.c. only child
O.S. Old Style, Julian calendar
o.t.p. of this parish
p.r. parish register
pr. proved or probated
prob. probably or estimated
pvt. military rank of private
R.C. Roman Catholic
rec'd received
rect. receipt
reg. register, or regular
ret. retired
Rev. Reverend
R.R. railroad
s son, sometimes shown as "s/o" for "son of"
S.I. special inquiry
sic. shows that an incorrect or mispelled term has been copied exactly as the original
soc. society
twp. township
ult. ultimate, refers to the previous month
unk. unknown
unm. unmarried
USB U.S. born
USC United States Citizen
wit. witness
w. wife or widow or will
w / o wife of

The list above is based on my own recollection and notes.

You may also see abbreviations for lineage membership groups like DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) or for professional genealogy groups like BCG (Board for Certification of Genealogists).

See also: Formatting and Glossary and Handwriting

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