67 Recommended Genealogy Books — Start Researching Genealogy

67 Recommended Genealogy Books

22 November, 2023 by Sherri Mastrangelo

This list, submitted without additional commentary and straight from my bookshelves, is a comprehensive collection of reference material, research techniques, and general knowledge that benefits genealogists at all skill levels. Please note this post contains affiliate links that help support this site. And yes, that’s my coffee - getting pretty good at the latte art!

  1. “31 Days to Better Genealogy” by Amy Johnson Crow (2018).

  2. “500 Amazing Online Archives and Digital Collections You’ve Never Heard of: US Edition” by Thomas MacEntee (2023)

  3. “A Genealogists Guide to Discovering your African American Ancestors: How to Find and Record Your Unique Heritage” by Franklin Carter Smith and Emily Anne Croom. (2009)

  4. “A to Zax: Comprehensive Dictionary for Genealogists” Barbara Jean Evans. (1995).

  5. “Abbreviations and Acronyms: Guide for Family Historians, Second Edition” by Kip Sperry. (2003).

  6. “Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques” by George Morgan and Drew Smith (2013)

  7. “Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies” by Debbie Parker Wayne. (2019).

  8. “Ancestral Trails: The Complete Guide to British Genealogy and Family History, Second Edition” by Mark Herber (2009)

  9. “Black Genesis: A Resource Book for African-American Genealogy” by James R Rose and Alice Eicholz (2003)

  10. “Bringing Your Family History to Life Through Social History” by Katherine Scott Sturdevant. (2000)

  11. “Courthouse Research for Family Historians: Your Guide to Genealogical Treasures” by Christine Rose (2020).

  12. “DNA for Native American Genealogy” by Roberta Estes. (2021).

  13. “Elements of Genealogical Analysis” by Robert Charles Anderson (2014)

  14. “Essential Skills for the Occasional Genealogist: Beyond beginner Genealogy Skills for Busy Family Historians” by Jennifer Patterson Dondero (2023)

  15. “Evidence Explained: History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, 3rd Edition Revised” by Elizabeth Shown Mills. (2017).

  16. “Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian” by Elizabeth Shown Mills. (1997).

  17. “Family Photo Detective: Learn how to find Genealogy Clues in old photos and solve Family Photo Mysteries” by Maureen A Taylor (2023)

  18. “Finding Your Ancestors’ Obituaries: The Complete Genealogy Guide to Obituaries” by Kenneth R. Marks (2023)

  19. “Finding Your Italian Roots: the Complete Guide for Americans, Second Edition” by John Philip Colletta (2009)

  20. “Forensic Genealogy” by Colleen Fitzpatrick. (2005).

  21. “Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case” by Christine Rose. (2014).

  22. “Genealogy Standards, Second Edition Revised” by Board for Certification of Genealogists. (2019).

  23. “Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy” by Drew Smith (2023)

  24. “Guide to Naturalization Records of the United States” by Christina K. Schaefer (1997).

  25. “History for Genealogists: Using Chronological Time Lines to Find and Understand Your Ancestors” by Judy Jacobson (2015).

  26. “How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records: A Genealogist’s Guide: With Specific Resources for Major Christian Denominations before 1900” by Sunny Jane Morton. (2019)

  27. In Search of Your German Roots” by Angus Baxter (2015)

  28. “International Vital Records Handbook, 7th Edition” by Thomas Jay Kemp (2017).

  29. “Land and Property Research in the United States” by E. Wade Hone (2008)

  30. “Locating Your Roots: Discovering Your Ancestors Using Land Records” by Patricia Law Hatcher (2003).

  31. “Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses 1790 - 1920” by William Thorndale and William Dollarhide (1995)

  32. “Mastering Genealogical Documentation” by Thomas W. Jones. (2017)

  33. “Mastering Genealogical Proof” by Thomas W. Jones (2013)

  34. “Organize Your Genealogy: Strategies and Solutions for Every Researcher” by Drew Smith (2016)

  35. “Our Quaker Ancestors: Finding Them in Quaker Records, Second Edition” by Ellen Thomas Berry and David Allen Berry

  36. “Pitfalls in Genealogical Research” by Milton Rubincam (1987)

  37. “Polish Roots, Second Edition” by Rosemary A. Chorzempa (2014)

  38. “Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards” by Elizabeth Shown Mills. (2018).

  39. “Reading Early American Handwriting” by Kip Sperry. (2008).

  40. “Red Book: American State, County & Town Sources, Third Edition” by Alice Eicholz. (2004).

  41. “Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide” by Diana Elder, AG and Nicole Dyer (2018)

  42. “Researching Scots-Irish Ancestors” by William J. Roulston (2022)

  43. “Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond” by David Dobson (2021)

  44. “State Census Records” by Ann S. Lainhart (1992).

  45. “The American Census Handbook” by Thomas Jay Kemp. (2002)

  46. “The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy: Trace Your Roots, Share Your History, and Create Your Family Tree” by Kimberly Powell (2014)

  47. “The Family Tree Cemetery Field Guide: How to Find, Record, & Preserve Your Ancestors Graves” by Joy Neighbors (2017)

  48. “The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy” by Blaine T. Bettinger. (2019)

  49. “The Family Tree Polish, Czech and Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe” by Lisa A. Alzo (2016)

  50. “The Family Tree Problem Solver: Tried-and-True Tactics for Tracing Elusive Ancestors” by Marsha Hoffman Rising (2019)

  51. “The Genealogist’s Guide to Researching Tax Records” by Carol Cooke Darrow and Susan Winchester (2019)

  52. “The Genealogist’s Guide to Y-DNA Testing for Genetic Genealogy” by David Vance (2020)

  53. “The Handybook for Genealogists: United States of America, 11th Edition” by Holly Hansen (2006)

  54. “The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, 4th Edition” by Val D. Greenwood. (2017).

  55. ”The Royal Descendants of 900 Immigrants to the American Colonies, Quebec, or the United States, Vol 1”; “The Royal Descendants…Vol II”, and “The Royal Descendants…Vol III” by Gary Boyd Roberts (2022)

  56. “The Sleuth Book for Genealogists. Strategies for More Successful Family History Research” by Emily Anne Croom (2009).

  57. “The Source: A Guidebook for American Genealogy, Third Edition” by Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking (2006)

  58. “They Became Americans: Finding Naturalization Records and Ethnic Origins” by Loretto Dennis Szucs. (1998)

  59. “They Came in Ships: A Guide to Finding Your Immigrant Ancestor’s Arrival Record” by John P. Colletta (2002)

  60. “Tips and Quips for the Family Historian” by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Ruth Brossette Lennon (2017)

  61. “Tracing Your Irish Ancestors, Fifth Edition” by John Grenham (2019).

  62. “Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors” by the National Archives and National Records of Scotland (2020)

  63. “U.S. Military Records: Guide to Federal and States Sources, Colonial America to the Present” by James C. Neagles (1994)

  64. “Unofficial Guide to Ancestry.com: How to Find Your Family History on the #1 Genealogy Website”. by Nancy Hendrickson. (2018)

  65. “Unofficial Guide to FamilySearch.org: How to Find Your Family History on the World’s Largest Free Genealogy Website” by Dana McCullough (2020)

  66. Who Do You Think You Are? The Essential Guide to Tracing Your Family History” by Megan Smolenyak (2010)

  67. “Your DNA Guide - the Book” by Diahan Southard (2020).

Some of the links above might be to used copies if a new one is unavailable. There are also a couple that are harder to find but still recommended:

Out of print / used:

Bonus Book(s):

How did you score? What books would you add to the list?